History: Open Space

Source of version: 13

__Open Space__ will be an open (yet structured) forum for open discussion sessions about topics that participants choose. Use this page to discuss open space, ask questions, propose topics and to post notes for the open space sessions during the conference.

__Propose topics__
*presentation of [http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/|CPOV Wikipedia research network]: future plans

__Report sheet__
Please use this template to report the results from the small groups.

__What happened (KISS - Keep it short and simple)__
__Convener (First and last name)__
__Participants (First and last name)__

__List of Open Space Sessions__
*((Research Methods and Statistics|Research Methods and Statistics))
*((Recognising Good Faith|Recognising Good Faith))
*((Wiki as a research tool))
*((What data to collect))
*((Myths on wikis))
*((Wiki and programming))
*((XML dumps and research needs for WMF projects))
*((Ideal / future wiki software))


Legend: v=view, s=source
Date UserEdit Comment Version Action
Thu 08 of July, 2010 18:38 EDT ArielGlenn   17
 v  s
Thu 08 of July, 2010 07:44 EDT jcorneli link to project management writeup 16  v  s  
Thu 08 of July, 2010 06:35 EDT pbmeyer   15  v  s  
Thu 08 of July, 2010 06:33 EDT pbmeyer   14  v  s  
Thu 08 of July, 2010 05:53 EDT pbmeyer   13  v  s  
Thu 08 of July, 2010 04:38 EDT ArielGlenn   11  v  s  
Thu 08 of July, 2010 04:33 EDT fnielsen wiki and programming link 10  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 09:41 EDT ajslaghu   9  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 09:30 EDT lphuberdeau   8  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 09:15 EDT Regis Barondeau   7  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 08:06 EDT Bastique Adding session. 6  v  s  
Wed 07 of July, 2010 06:24 EDT felipe   5  v  s  
Tue 06 of July, 2010 06:01 EDT psayers   4  v  s  
Tue 06 of July, 2010 05:51 EDT psayers   3  v  s  
Fri 02 of July, 2010 08:13 EDT jojoon   2  v  s  
Wed 23 of June, 2010 20:00 EDT psayers   1  v  s